Ela Bar-Zvi

Hello and nice to meet you. I am Ela, an organizational consultant, expert in career development.
My own career journey includes several relocations to Barcelona and the USA, moves that forced me to maintain a career continuum in an ever-changing reality.
As one who has traversed through so many airports, it is easy for me to present my suitcase of experience that holds:
💼 20 years of broad experience in HR, assessment, recruitment, training and career development.
💼 A BA in Economics, MBA in Human Resources, organizational consulting, specialized in role nalysis (job analysis), and a coaching diploma from NYU.
💼 Multiple references from worldwide customers whom I coached to accomplish career reakthroughs via individual and group workshops.
💼 And most importantly, my great love and passion for people and my profession.
My career may seem like a ‘good-looking’ story, but it is one, that, was not always easy. And not only because of the frequent moves to different countries, it started from childhood.
Anat, my elder sister is a schoolteacher, a manager of a preschool, seemingly, doing the very same thing every year, but she is not bored for one moment and wakes up everyday with a smile on her face and full of excitement for the day ahead. Surrounded with the kids she so dearly loves. If she wasn’t a schoolteacher, she would most probably be…a schoolteacher.
Sigal, my middle sister was born with a tremendous talent for dancing. She is an artist, from birth, and is constantly creating something that brings her endless pleasure. She manages a dance studio and performs around the world. She did not choose dancing, dancing chose her.
As for myself, I was not born with a clear life purpose or passion for a specific profession, I simply wanted to be “Dad’s girl”. So, I followed his financial career. My early career was all about numbers, then moved to people, and ultimately, evolved to a career expert.
Individuals – career counselling to those facing a crossroad in their career or to those that know where they are heading but don’t know how.
Organizations – organizational consulting, counsel employees on their career development, coach managers and teams to success, assist in recruiting the best talents and talent retention.
Career development across borders – counsel those wishing to relocate and still manage their career.
My vision:
The more the merrier – as many happy employees as possible.
My unique approach combines the spiritual desires with a reality check and ‘on-the-ground’ implementation.
The world I see is a flat one, laid out in front of us, allowing us not only to break geographical boundaries (that’s easy) but also our own self-inflicted ones.
My own personal way was not always smooth, but I cherish the journey, and the wealth of career experience I was exposed to, developing a broad perspective. Consequently, the outcome is a unique product and service, one that my customers will testify on: